Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Happy Fall

Well, I guess that's it. Summer is officially over. We had so much fun with all that sunshine, and it was so nice to be off with my two beautiful girls. Time now though to start thinking about pumpkins and trick-or-treating... Chloe's got a lot of ideas about what she's going to be for Halloween - stay tuned!

Monday, September 20, 2010

One, two... we're off to the Zoo!

I have been wanting to take Chloe to the Zoo all summer, and finally last week, the girls, my mom, and I decided to head across the river to see the animals. I don't know why places like this deicde that it would be a good idea to put a playground as soon as you enter... but that's all Chloe wanted to do the entire time we were there! She wasn't nearly as interested in the animals as she was infactuated with the big slide and the swings at the park.
"So you mean to tell me we just spent 22 bucks to hang out at a park?? No way! We're checking out these animals whether you like it or not!!"

Chloe with the giraffes
Getting close to the leopard
Feeding the mountain lion thing a leaf
Her favorite, the zebras

Polar Opposites

Would you believe these two are cousins??

Big and Small

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Our little ballerina

Chloe is taking on a few new activites this fall, including ballet.  She's taking the class with her cousin Holly and a couple other girls we know.  It's really cute to see all these tiny ballerina's all dressed up, running around on their tippy toes. 
I don't know though, somehow I think maybe we should have put her in karate...

Happy Birthday Adrianna!!

Adrianna turns 3 months old today!  And to mark the occasion, she decided to roll over... she was THAT excited about it.  Looks like we may have another early mover on our hands!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010